
Student Finance
All courses listed as private on our site do not qualify for funding through the Department of Education ( and provide information on course fees and details of eligibility required). There are however a number of avenues worth investigating for financial assistance, depending on your individual circumstances:

Part Time Education Option
If you are getting jobseekers allowance or jobseeker benefit there is a part-time education option; this means you can keep your existing payment and related benefits while attending a part-time course that is likely to help you get a job.

Tax Relief
Tax relief is available on fees paid and can also be claimed by someone who pays fees on your behalf. Contact us for details of eligible courses and see

TESG (Technical Employment Support Grant):
The Technical Employment Support Grant is designed to assist jobseekers experiencing barriers in progressing from unemployment to the workforce by way of assisted funding for courses that are not directly available via FAS/SOLAS or another state provider. This includes and is open to jobseekers, people with disabilities and jobseekers with distance issues from the labour market.
Other useful information

ITSYOURMONEY has information on opening a bank account in Ireland.

Installment Options
Please contact us for information regarding installment options.