
“Sound Check” – A Weird and Wonderful Showcase of DIY Audio Makers

Are you an analogue synth head? Then you will definitely want to check out the Moog Sound Lab currently set up and awaiting visitors at Dublin Science Gallery (head for the Trinity Pearse street entrance)! You can walk in and play with a room full of Moog synth goodness. Alongside that are a couple of dozen other sound and music-focused exhibits on display at the Science Gallery’s current “Sound Check” exhibition. Don’t expect to find the traditional audio tech here, it’s all about novel ideas and weird inventions. The Moog Sound Lab is probably the most mainstream of the offerings

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Synthesis : A Basic Understanding

Synthesis Many of us will know what a synthesizer looks and sounds like through our experiences with both the software and hardware versions, whether it was bashing away at your brothers keyboard or fiddling around with your first synth VST! They have been around the music industry since the first early concepts began to take shape in the late 50’s early 60’s by a German engineer, Harald Bode. Bode was a pioneer in the development of electronic music instruments, and ended up developing a modular synthesizer and sound processor and in 1961. After this development, he wrote a paper on

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